Meet Jean-Claude

By Michelle Swearingen, RILA Legal Advocate

I met Jean-Claude in 2016 at RILA’s very first clinic. I was struck by the way he was able to hold opposing things in tension - strength and vulnerability, deep disappointment and a tested, solid faith. He was grappling with the instability that comes from living without the protection of your home country or legal status in this country. He couldn’t see the way forward, and yet, he had tremendous faith that God was with him. Jean-Claude is incredibly capable and driven. He worked tirelessly on every aspect of his case. When he was granted asylum, he immediately began making plans: plans for his future, for his family and for the ways that he could serve in his community. It was in those first weeks after he was granted asylum that I realized just how devastating the lack of stability is and how much it prevented Jean-Claude from moving forward and flourishing, as it does for all of our clients. Everyone deserves a chance to be safe and to have the opportunity to make plans.

Mel Chang