Virginia's Driver Privilege Cards

Earlier this month, non-US citizens in Virginia could start applying for driver privilege cards. Immigrants age 16 and older who have reported income from Virginia sources or are claimed as a dependent on a VA tax return in the past 12 months are eligible to apply for these special permits, provided their driving privileges are not currently suspended or revoked in any state.  

The opportunity to obtain driving privilege cards will give RILA clients the critical ability to legally drive and not depend on public transportation or private car companies (which sometimes charge exorbitant fees) to simply get to the places they need to go, such as the grocery store, the doctor’s office and their place of work.  Many RILA clients live in areas of Northern Virginia without public transportation — or without reliable public transit options. One of RILA’s clients ,"Berta," spends more than $100/week paying for a private car service to get medical care for her toddler daughter. "Roxana" had been walking to work, but when some men in her neighborhood began harassing her, she became fearful of her commute. Her own son was killed by gang members in her home country. With a driver privilege card, Roxana could safely commute to her job and provide for her family. 

Several RILA clients are excited for the opportunity to apply for a driver privilege card and have asked us for more information about the process. We have provided some resources for them on our website, and we are available to answer their questions and point them in the right direction.  Our hope is that measures such as these will help clients move toward independence and self-sufficiency as they wait for their hearings, heal and rebuild their lives in America. 

Mel Chang