We Are Not Alone

by Johanna Montague, RILA Parterships Coodinator

Last year one of our partner churches, Emmanuel Presbyterian, befriended an immigrant who worked at a gas station near its worship services. “Tafari'' had applied for asylum on his own but needed an attorney to help him prepare for his upcoming interview at the asylum office. However, he could not afford the fees for a lawyer. Emmanuel’s pastor referred Tafari to RILA for a consultation. But the church went beyond just a referral. Under RILA’s supervision, one attorney from that congregation volunteered to write the cover letter (similar to a legal brief) for submission to the asylum office in advance of his interview, and another attorney from Emmanuel Presbyterian assisted in preparing Tafari for the interview and accompanied him to the asylum office.

Last month Tafari and his wife were granted asylum, and both RILA and Emmanuel Presbyterian rejoiced at this news! The day he found out that they were granted asylum, Tafari told us that they would be celebrating that evening with their three young children. It was our privilege to be able to walk with Tafari and his wife, to ensure they had all the preparation and support they needed to tell their story to the asylum officer, and to assure them that they would not have to navigate the asylum process alone. 

We rejoice in the good news that we are not alone in this world. While RILA remains focused on providing excellent legal services to our clients, we know there are needs that go beyond what we can offer. And this is why RILA invites churches to partner in our work. Through our partnership with congregations around the DC area (and one in Richmond!), our clients in crisis have received help with their felt needs. From rent assistance to diapers and children’s clothing, from generously funding a pilot program for training Afghan immigrants to become legal assistants, to funding our legal clinics for an entire year, our church partners make it impossible to deny that we are part of a beautiful community.

When I look at our church partnership list, I am filled with gratitude. Our fourteen church partners range from small to quite large, newly planted to established for decades, and nearly all varieties of denomination. Our work is made possible and made richer by the congregations that partner with RILA. They sustain us financially, step in to offer wrap-around care for our clients, and encourage us as we continue in our work and each in their own unique way. Our church partners are an invaluable part of the RILA family.

Our hope is that our clients will know that we are here to help and to advocate for their protection and safety. We are so thankful for these partners who welcome and serve the sojourner beside us. 

Mel Chang