Client Services


Lead meetings with asylum seekers so that RILA legal staff can understand their stories, advise them on immigration benefits for which they are eligible, and make progress on clients' cases.


Assist in interpreting for client meetings and translating clients' documents. Spanish and Dari speakers are especially needed.

Note Taker

Capture information discussed in meetings in detailed notes so that RILA's legal team has a record of everything discussed during the meeting and can update client documents accordingly.


Individuals and groups who can bring and serve a meal for 30-40 people at a Monday night clinic are much appreciated.



Photography/video editing

Help us share about RILA’s work our clients’ stories.


We need development volunteers who can keep eyes out for grant opportunities and be on call to help with development tasks as RILA continues to expand.




Attorneys with expertise in legal writing can assist with asylum briefs. We also welcome attorneys to serve by representing clients before USCIS and in state courts.


Many of our clients are underemployed despite their high qualifications and level of skills. Specifically, we have two clients right now seeking employment in the respective fields of finance or data management, and international studies and foreign policy.


For more information, contact

...I wanted to spend my life for justice on behalf of those who aren’t able to advocate for themselves. By doing this work, we at RILA have the privilege of joining God in his work- the redemption and renewal of people, systems and the world.
— Natalie Foote, President/CEO