A Message from RILA's President/CEO

Dear Friends,

This past year has been filled with long days (and evenings), legal briefs, asylum-seekers’ stories told and retold, trips to immigration court and the asylum office, resilience, perseverance, and lots of joy.

Every week, RILA staff and faithful volunteers work to pursue justice and protection on behalf of our immigrant neighbors. And every week, we thank God for our partners. Apart from your support, RILA could not provide the immigration legal aid that is critical to achieving justice. 

This was certainly the case for Veronica and Ashly, whose story I’d like to share. 

After being extorted by a notorious gang for several months in their home country, Veronica was no longer able to make payments to the gang. Because of her failure to pay, gang members violently sexually assaulted her 17-year-old daughter, Ashly, in their home. The gang members threatened to do it again if Veronica did not make the payment. Afraid for their lives, Veronica and Ashly fled to the United States. Adding to their trauma, Ashly was sexually assaulted again soon after crossing the border into the United States.  

When we met Veronica and Ashly, they were disoriented and at a loss about their next steps. Ashly barely spoke.  They were slow to trust us, but over time, we worked with Veronica and Ashly to document their story and present a solid and thorough asylum case.

Given the many recent changes to immigration law, this was not an easy case. RILA produced a lengthy brief and hundreds of pages of supporting documents. The hard work of Veronica, Ashly, and RILA was rewarded:  Just last month, Veronica and Ashly were granted asylum. At the end of the hearing, the judge told Veronica and Ashly that though he cannot undo the terrible things that happened to them, he is glad that they will have the opportunity to live in safety in the United States.  RILA is committed to walking with Veronica and Ashly in the coming years to connect them to resources they may need and to continue to support them on their immigration journey.  

Your direct investment in the lives of people like Veronica and Ashly has given them the opportunity to rebuild, heal, and live in the freedom from fear that God wants for everyone.

During this season of Thanksgiving, I’m overwhelmed with thankfulness as we look back on 2019 and all God has done through RILA. Celebrate with us as we reflect on RILA’s full and beautiful year!  Please consider a year-end gift to RILA as we continue to grow in 2020. 

With immense thanks,

Natalie Foote, President/CEO

Strat Parrott