
As told to Elena Cespedes, a RILA volunteer

In my home country, there is very little help for those who are poor. The delinquency is mainly done by gangs. They do not think about families and the pain they are going to cause when they go after someone. It is hard because you feel constant fear that you might be the next one they take. You don't live in peace. 

During hard times I count on my family and ask God to help me get through the difficulties. I count on my father and my siblings who live in Virginia. I miss my mom the most. I lived with her since I was little. She is like the engine of my life, aside from my daughter. Without my mother, I feel alone. I also miss one of my sisters whom I was very close to. Even though I miss them a lot, if everything goes well with my legal case, I would not like to go back to my country. 

I have not adjusted well to living in the United States, but I have no other choice since I cannot go back to my country. My work in cleaning services has helped me adapt since it keeps me busy. Having my family in the United States also has helped. 

I am always thankful to God that I stumbled upon RILA. I hope that I continue charging on and that I have a successful case. I am here to work hard and put everything I have into my new life. In the US, I feel a sense of peace and tranquility. I am no longer close to crime and delinquency, and I am far away from the man who I used to live with whom was abusive towards me.

*Client’s name has been changed to protect her privacy

Mel Chang