
By Israel Ortega, a RILA Volunteer


That’s the reason Maria* gives me when I ask her why she left her native country.

After years of feeling abused and tormented and living under a constant state of fear, Maria felt like she had no other choice but to leave everything and everyone she ever knew - including her eldest son - to start a new life here.

Words are a poor substitute to describe the pain of being far apart from your child. Maria yearns for the day when they can embrace.

Besides being separated from her son, Maria tells me she endures other hardships here. Work is never a sure thing. Getting around can be complicated. And although her English is improving, Maria tells me that it’s incredibly frustrating not being able to communicate at times with her limited language skills.

But despite all of this, she doesn’t hesitate when I ask her: would you ever consider returning back to home in Central America?

Her answer is emphatic: No!

The thought of being constantly harassed is frightening. She worries what life would be like to raise her young son (born here and living with her in the US.) there in a backdrop of lawlessness, violence and pervasive gang life.

Even in her worst days in this country, Maria tells me that she has never experienced the type of fear and insecurity that constantly plagued her in her home country.

This is one of the many reasons why Maria hopes she will be able to gain asylum and stay here to live here without fear of being forcefully sent back.

Maria knows her future here is tenuous but is grateful to have found Restoration Immigration Legal Aid which readily took up her case, listened to her story and believed her. Besides RILA, Maria tells me that her faith keeps her grounded and is a constant source of hope and inspiration. 

Maria realizes that not everyone in this country is welcoming of immigrants but prays that they will take mercy on her and find it in their hearts to realize that she only wants to work hard and contribute positively to this country. She prays that she is able to continue raising her son here so that he can grow up to be a model citizen who will one day give back to the country that made room for his mother to live and escape persecution.

*Client’s name has been changed to protect her privacy.

Maria hopes her younger son will grow up to be a model citizen and give back to the country that made room for his mother to live and escape persecution.

Maria hopes her younger son will grow up to be a model citizen and give back to the country that made room for his mother to live and escape persecution.

Mel Chang